What do young non Dutch speaking residents prefer?
A total of 37 young, non-Dutch-speaking residents up to 40 years old completed the questionnaire. The majority became members because they think it is important for the voice of non-Dutch-speaking residents of Maastricht to be heard (83%), because they want to give their opinion (77%) and because they want to help decide on municipal issues (54%). The topics they find most interesting are housing (77%), events (71%) and sustainability (71%). The largest percentage want to win a gift voucher (69%), but a significant proportion (40%) say they would also participate without a reward. Gift vouchers for an online shop (88%) are the most popular, followed by gift vouchers for supermarkets (67%). Preference for multiple small prizes is most common (43%), but almost as many indicate no preference (35%). Feedback on the results and the number of questionnaires sent out are rated least well, with 16% finding both aspects (very) poor. The best ratings are the layout of Maastrichtforum.nl (72% find this (very) good) and the invitation e-mails (69% find this (very) good). Young non-Dutch-speaking residents indicate that they are best reached through the university, but also indicate that they can be reached through social media, through businesses, and through other panellists.